Ida Graff Righolt

Client Lead & Head of Operations

With a background in Communication and Brand Management as well as a Project Management education, Ida handles a combination of client management, strategy development and campaign planning.

For the past 12 years she has been working with brand building on both sides of the table. She started the first four years of her career on the client side, getting insights into what it means to build a business as well as understanding the benefits and challenges that come with working with external suppliers and agencies. The creativity and the diversity of working at an agency made her change career path and since 2014, where she has worked at the advertising agency Uncle Grey and the design agency Everland.

Ida always approaches her tasks with great enthusiasm and energy, she has a strong strategic mindset and loves to facilitate projects and create processes in a way that not only results in the best possible solutions for the clients, but also makes the team and everyone involved feel appreciated and valued.

In august 2022, Ida will start a new Master in Organizational Psychology on the side of her work at Advice.

Bonus info: Ida is a big sister of 6 smaller brothers and sisters, she used to be on the national team in basketball and loves everything that has something to do with potatoes. Once, she even considered opening a potato café with some of her potato-loving family members.